Spaying or neutering your pet can protect them from serious injuries, illnesses, and infections. The simple, low-risk procedure also protects you and your pet from the responsibility of a pregnancy and puppies or kittens that result from it. If you haven’t yet spayed or neutered your pet, take a look at these important reasons you should.
Extend Their Life Expectancy
Most pets have a much lower life expectancy than humans. A pet that isn’t spayed or neutered has an even lower life expectancy. Spaying female pets can reduce their risk of uterine infections and breast tumors. Neutering pets can prevent testicular cancer and prostate problems.
Reduced Risk of Injury & Infection
Female pets that aren’t spayed have a higher risk of injury and infection from pursuit and intercourse with male animals. This risk significantly increases if you have an outdoor cat or a pet that spends time outside unsupervised. Male pets, particularly cats, who are not neutered can find ways to escape the house and yard and roam for miles looking for a mate. This increases your pet’s risk of car accidents, injury, fights with other animals, and infections.
Avoid Behavioral Problems
A cat or dog that is in heat or is looking for a mate can cause serious problems around your home. A cat can go into heat for four or five days every three weeks, and will yowl loudly and urinate outside the litter box. A male that isn’t neutered will also mark his territory by spraying strong-smelling urine around the inside and outside the house. They may also try to mount and hump anything they see, including other dogs, cats, people, and inanimate objects.
Prevent Unwanted Offspring
The only foolproof way to prevent unwanted puppies or kittens is to spay or neuter your pet. A single non-spayed female dog and her non-spayed offspring can result in 67,000 puppies in just six years. A non-spayed female cat and her non-spayed offspring can result in 370,000 kittens in seven years.
If your pet hasn’t yet been spayed or neutered, make an appointment with their veterinarian right away.